
Asbestos Abatement Process

Asbestos Abatement Process

Asbestos Abatement Process

Site Area Preparation

Sealed off the area using polyethylene plastic, build the scaffolding,  install warning signs, arrange decontamination area for staff, set the area for keeping asbestos waste.



Equipment for Asbestos Abatement

Warning sign and stickers, plastic sheet, Hepa Filter vacuum, Air monitor equipment, PPE such as safety glasses, hard hats, half-face respirator with 3m Hepa filter, full body disposable suits, plastic disposable gloves, disposable overshoes


 Demolition Process


Install air monitoring equipment 1 or 2 days before the demolition and arrange the personal air monitor for staff to mesure the level of asbestos.


Instruct staff about the danger of Asbestos and Asbestos abatement process.


Demonstrate how to use personal protective equipment, check the condition and do the fit test.



Dismantle the roof, spraying amended water before starting the process 


Try not to break anything and carefully carry the roof to the separated area prepared for keeping the asbestos waste. Asbestos waste are located on plastic sheet with the red mark sign to enclose the area.



  Dismantle the siding wall, spraying amended water before starting the process and attached the duct tape on the nail’sheads before pulling them out and hand carry wall one by one. Try not to break it


 Collect asbestos waste in 2 layered red polyethylene plastic bag (minimum thickness of 0.15 mm), load the waste no more than 25 kg per bag, securely seal them with duck tapes, label it according to the regulation and take the waste from the demolition area.

   asbestos waste by the licensed truck.

carefully load asbestos waste in the truck.

the truck is sealed with thick plastic sheet to prevent the leak of asbestos dust.

Transportation of asbestos waste to the authorized landfill.

 Area Cleaning


Clean plastic sheet that used to seal the demolition area with the Hepa filter vacuum or wet cleaning.