
Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​

Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​

Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​

Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​ by Piyamitr group

Know everything in one place at once.​

Every time before​ executing the​​ demolition​ works,​ the​ most​ important​ thing​ to​ concern​ that​ must​ be​ planned​ is​ “the​ safety” for​ people​ who​ live​ in​ the​ surrounding​ area​ and​ the​ demolition​ team.​ Therefore, there​ must​ be​ the​ guideline for the​ maintenance of​ safety​ to​ prevent​ any​ danger.​ Piyamitr group have​ gathered​ the​​ security principles before​ the​ demolition​ according​ to​ standard of engineering demolition “to present you. Learn it​ for​ your​ preparation.

As for the plan for the​ maintenance of​ safety​ before executing building demolition, it can be divided into 2 topics 1.The safety for the public and 2. The safety of the staff in the demolition site.

 1.The safety for the public

People who live nearby or or the passers-by who commute near the demolition building must be protected from any disturbing things that are harmful to the health​ and​ sanitation including the falling of debris materials, the vibration from the operation of demolition machinery, concrete extraction, or  fire sparkling steel shears. Specifically, the noise during after hour period must be avoided along the demolition period. There has to be the maintenance of safety for the neighboring buildings outside the demolition sites which can be categorized as follows : 


The constructors need to provide sufficient lighting for the surrounding area of the demolition site so that people can see obstructed materials from the operation.

Prevention of falling materials

In case of planning and management of demolition, it should provide the protection of accidentally falling materials from the work. For example, there must be the covered shelter walkway along the area near the demolition site wide enough for the flow and smooth traffic with sufficient natural lighting or  light bulbs to ensure all time security.

In case that there is the transfer of materials to the ground, there must be the prepared area for this with the enclosed fencing to prevent people from the access to this area.

 Temporary Fencing around the demolition site

Temporary Fencing  and the related warning sign must be arranged around the demolition site to protect people from danger. The high and long fence must be enclosed around the building according to the Building regulation and the safety standard of building during construction.

Warning sign

According to the safety purpose and the building restriction, there must be the warning sign with the contact number of the company’s site controller installed in the appropriate area which can easily be seen by people, however, it must not obstruct the path way. For the big demolition project, there must be the sign specifying the project name, duration of work, the name of supervise engineer, safety staff etc.


In case that there are scaffoldings, they have to be arranged according to Building Regulation to ensure for the strength and the safety. For example, it is prohibited to carry over the weight limit and there must be the periodic strength test for the maintenance check.

Protection of the passers-by

For Demolition works near the place with high traffic of passers-by such as the pavement, it is required to provide protection for the passers-by such as suggestion of the safety pathway according to Building Regulation

2. Safety for staff in the demolition site area

Safety in the working site There must be sufficient lighting in all entrance, working areas including any open areas according to the building restriction and the safety standard of building during construction.

Personal Safety Protection- while in the demolition area, all workers and people who visit the area must wear personal protective equipment such as head protection helmet, dust filter mask, all equipment must be certified under the standard according to building restriction and the safety standard of building during construction.

Prevention of the Building’s collapse

Before any building demolition, the survey must be conducted in order to check the  dilapidation of the building and the possibility of a collapse. For example, if part of the building was on fired or flooded, the battens or bracing are required to sustain the dilapidated part for the safety.

Fire Prevention System and  Fire Extinguishing System

Fire might occur from the cutting and welding while working. There must be the protection of the file sparkling including the air ventilation and hazardous gas which requires the fire extinguishers equipment to locate in the right place with the related staff who can use it.

Initial Help

​There​ must​ be​ equipment and​ facilities​ to​ facilitate for​ the​ initial first​ aid.


There must be facilities required for the workers such as drinking water, toilets according to the safety standard of building during construction. and there must be the manual regarding the danger prevention and environment control in the construction work.

Safety from Electricity

The electric power supply, water supply and the gas pipeline inside the demolish building must be cut off before starting the demolition process. In case that there is the need for the use of electricity or water for the building demolition, we have to do the new wiring and piping for temporary use.

These are the safety principles needed to prepare before the actual demolition for the safety of lives. Once the work is finished, everybody is at ease. Our genuine intention to serve with the satisfaction guarantee is more than just the advertising message.


Piyamitr Group

Joe tel : 081-7551229 , 02-2917026


[ Picture 1. ] Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​


[ Picture 2. ] Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​


[ Picture 3. ] Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​


[ Picture 4. ] Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​


[ Picture 5. ] Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​


[ Picture 6. ] Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​


[ Picture 7. ] Security Principles in​ the​ construction​ demolition​