
Demolition Operator who date to tell customers “do not do the demolition”

Demolition Operator who date to tell customers “do not do the demolition”

“I honestly tell my customers, some customers call me to check their houses about how to demolish them. However, sometimes I tell them until they decide not to do it”

The words that reflect his surprising thought from  P’Jo Siriroj Siripalakornkig, demolition business owner on behalf of Piyamitr Group, who has been in the business for more than 20 years, more than half of his life, he has been living with rubbles and the demolition work until he has become the expert in this field. It’s no wonder. Today P’Jo give the in-depth interview from the one who start from scratch until now he is the owner of a large business who honestly dare to reject the project from his customers.

---Why  do you reject some demolition projects?  Don’t you want the money?

“Sometimes the demolition has to be done, but sometimes it is not necessary. For renovation of houses, I would recommend the ways to modify the place without having to do the demolition. Sometimes the building is leaning, I recommend for the enhancement of the footing structure. With strong structure of the building, the building can last for a long time without having to do demolition. I can offer some recommendations on anything.

---After the recommendation, what happen then?

“that customer disappears (Lol) sometimes they  treat me a meal which is enough. Just get to know each other and talk. You know? Demolition and rebuilding the house take a lot of money- demolition cost and construction cost. Some people has just started their business, they need to spend a lot of money. I understand. I don’t take it seriously, I can earn money whenever I want.

-Your open-minded attitude which come from the difficulty you encounter. That’s why you understand them

“Yes when I was young, I was not poor, let’s say I don’t have enough to eat (lol) I’m in the lower middle class family, needs to struggle all the time. My dad was in the pond soil business. (ทำบ่อดิน) He was cheated so often so I understand.

--so your family didn’t do the demolition as the profession from the start. How do you enter into this demolition industry?

“I graduated in the marketing field, but I want to help my father’s work. I started from riding bicycles to get the contact from construction departments. I bought soil, rubbles to do the landfill. I had the opportunity to visit demolition building sites frequently because the demolition profession and work in transporting of soil and rubble are closely tied. While I was delivering stuff, I dropped by to see how the work was done. It’s good that  senior people have taught me a lot. You know, during that time, I rode my motorcycles to see demolition projects during my free time everyday. I start accumulate the knowledge until I enter into this industry.

-----What make you passionate about the demolition work up until this point?

--The thing is everything starts from the passion. When we enjoy working, it doesn’t feel like working. The thing that I like about this job that keeps me doing the demolition work until now because firstly, I love to travel. I get to do demolition work across Thailand. It’s like I get to travel and I  get to work at the same time. Secondly, I get to see new things, including new works and new people. I get to talk and exchange ideas which is good. This is important to our growth. Thirdly, I love my job. It’s short. It’s is the thing that gives me energy to keep on working this job.”

“The demolition work is fun because it’s different in each place. It is never the same. There are always new problems, not just for the demolished building itself. In my job, I got complaints everywhere I go to do the work. Of course, this will effect people in the area. I need to solve it. I need to find the way to get the job done that make everybody happy. It’s quite a headache seriously, but I enjoy it very much. It’s not just demolition work, it is the problem-solving work.

“Because your problem is my job”

Besides the passion, you need to play your heart out. For this demolition work, if we compare it to boxing, I’m in the battle in every fight. Don’t know if it’s gonna win or lose, but I never give up. At least, give it a try because if you don’t give yourself the opportunity to be in the fight, you can only dream about it. Let me ask you, which one would you choose-the high paid work you dislike or the less paid job that you love?

 “I want you to look at it in the long run. If you choose the money before the work, you will surely get the money. However, the thing that comes together is the unpleasantness. Most importantly, you will not get to develop yourself with all the potential that you have. You just watch the clock until the day ran out, brush your teeth, wash your face and to back home to sleep”

But look at it carefully, if you choose the work you love, even at first, you may earn just a little, but when you love it, you can live with it and you will grow with the work that you love. You will continue developing your potential as it should be. In the long run, money will come to you for sure”

---- so what is the most important thing for the building demolition----

“the most important thing is the safety. For demolition workers like me, do not be greedy. Sometimes you want to get the job done quickly, cut cost to save money to earn more profit but do not concern about the safety. For me, safety is the first priority for building demolition. Where there’s the safety, there’s the profit.

--- so the selling point of Piyamitr group is safety  ---

 “Yes, but before the safety, for me, you need to have

“First. The tool. This is the reason why I go abroad often for the study trips in countries such as Japan, Germany, South Korea, and many more countries” Those counties put high respect on person rights. If you want to do the demolition, you are strictly not allowed to violate person rights. In foreign countries, many new innovations are discovered for this issue.

 “I go for the field study and buy those tools, I will buy them no matter how expensive they are. I may not have most number of machinery and tools for demolition work, but I have the best machinery. For example, Dust suppression sprayer fog used during building demolition, if we inhale a lot of dust,we could die from It because it is the dust from concrete. The used concrete pulverizer machine will make the most quiet sound possible that will not disturb people in nearby the demolished buildings and there are so many things that these tools can help with the safety of the demolition for the staff and people nearby.

Second, the management especially staff management. Before any demolition work, I will take my team to survey the site in order to make sure that we are on the same page, so that we can work correctly and with safety. Besides the work, we also take care of each other in private matters.  When there’s a problem, staff can inform the team. Sometimes, my team have a problem with the customer, instead of blaming the person, we talk first. Sometimes, it is not his fault or he’s already have his life problem. We just keep communicating. When we take good care of the team, the team will take good care of customers.

Third, experience In addition to the experience about the demolition process, the interior and exterior analysis of the building, I need to solve the problem about safety for demolition in some parts of the building that is hard to get it done. I will solve problems of everything around the building too. This is from my experience, each demolished building and the surrounding area are different for each place. Like I said, in my career, I always got complaints everywhere I go because of demolition work which would disturb people in the neighborhood. The thing that I do is to talk to people in the area, go to eat, buy some drinks, even join the house blessing ceremony of people who live near the demolished building.(lol) I want to get to know them and talk to them so that they will understand that we will least bother them or if they feel that we bother them, they can call me anytime, I will handle it immediately. This is very important.

Forth, work time control. Sometimes during demolition work, we encounter something that cause us to be unable to work according to  the schedule such as long holiday, or the event around that area that cause us to stop the demolition work. However,  our objective is that we need to finish the work according to the fixed schedule. The method is the same but we need to change the process. Keep in mind that this is the principle of success Whenever you change your objective, but keep the same process, you will keep extending your objective until you can’t get the expected achievement, but if you never change the process,keep the same target and rushing to get the job done without finding the tools or the team to help, this will not be safe. I put priority on this. Think about it, the safety comes with trust and everything like it is said in the Chinese proverb that

“Losing money, lost one thing

Losing time, lost many things

But losing trust, you will lose everything.

---Where do you get these good thought? ---

“Legend of the three kingdoms. I love the read Legend of the three kingdoms very much. I take the good thought to use with my life. I read it for more than 3 times,but you can trust me, I won’t cheat for sure. (lol)

From the conversation with P’Jo, it’s obvious that “safety” is the main objective in work, followed by the complete “trust” and the knowledge about demolition which is the “demolition” and the inspiration together with the way of thinking about the work which we can further apply to “create” the good life.

Piyamitr Group

Jo tel : 081-7551229 , 02-2917026

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[ Picture 1. ] Demolition Operator who date to tell customers “do not do the demolition”